We are just few weeks into the New Year. There are doubts as well as high hopes we experience--a bit of a mix in our emotions. What hope and aspirations do we hold dear? Do we have faith that God will honour His promises concerning our lives? I woke up sleepless about 1 a.m. on a Wednesday morning. I had some running concerns in my home. Having a nudge to do some study and pray, I dwelled deeply on Numbers 23:19. "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?" ... Read the Post
Archives for February 2015
Listening And
During my prayer time with God this week, we talked about how difficult it is for me to slow down and listen to Him. I find myself often rushing through my prayers as if it were something on a check list and then moving on to something else. I realize that many of my prayers are me talking at God, rather than with God. God reminded me of a time when I listened and how two lives were changed in the process. As I drove home from my visit with him, I was sad and discouraged. Despite my attempts to help him, he continued to make regrettable life decisions. For the first two hours of my drive ... Read the Post
The Video
Last fall my mom’s side of the family began preparing for a once-in-a-lifetime occasion. On December 24th, 2014, my maternal grandparents celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary. We decided to make a video marking this special day. My cousin recorded Grandma and Grandpa sharing how they met, details of their snowy wedding day and life on their farm (Grandpa was a farmer in Ohio for many years), and other sweet details of a long life lived together. My husband, our boys, and I taped our portion of the video; the boys made up a short, funny skit wishing Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa ... Read the Post
The Package
In the rear view mirror we can easily spot Christmas and are probably still dealing with some of the aftermath of cleaning up all of it. From candy canes to wrapping paper and empty boxes to lights on the house, the holidays came and went in a flash, yet still possessed beautiful reminders of God's perfect gift...Jesus. Often when preparing to close out one year and start the next, we determine to look even further back in our mirrors so we can see reflections of the entire year. We remember new and various experiences, growing relationships with people, pleasant or uncomfortable changes, ... Read the Post