The story of Jesus’s visit to the temple as a 12-year-old has always intrigued me. Why? Because it is a seemingly unusual inclusion. It’s the only story we have of Jesus’s boyhood following His birth and it’s only transcribed in one of the four Gospels—Luke. To be sure, it’s a great story. One that every parent can empathize with. Jesus’s family goes to Jerusalem for the Passover feast. Afterwards, His parents head home and inadvertently leave Jesus behind. They travel for a day before realizing He isn’t with them. Then they return to Jerusalem and spend a day searching. They find ... Read the Post
Lesson in a Nest
Our house is in a woods, so my family and I have ample opportunities to observe nature. Squirrels, bats, mice, groundhogs, deer, possum and even an occasional red fox have made appearances around our home. Not to mention the countless varieties of birds that frequent the trees nearby. One of my favorite forest visitors are barn swallows. Nearly every year a swallow couple will build a nest on one of our downspouts. I’ll always remember our first pair. Shortly after their nest was constructed, I stealthily climbed to a spot where I could see inside without making mother bird too upset. ... Read the Post