My family lives close to the Gulf of Mexico, so one day after church, we decided to head to the beach. We hadn't been in a while--the summer weeks have been racing past us--and our kids have been asking daily to go. We finally relented. We reached the beach. I sprayed the kids down with sunblock, and they ran straight to the warm waves. I loved watching them smile and laugh as the splashed through the salty current. It was a perfect day--blue skies, slight breeze and smooth ripples. I couldn't help but thank God for our Texas coast and promise myself that I would not neglect this beautiful ... Read the Post
Archives for April 2015
Formatting Life
There are many aspects to writing books. One of the final stages—besides publishing and marketing—is formatting the book. This can be one of the most tedious, laborious, frustrating and time-consuming aspects of writing. Trying to transfer a huge word document into publishing software creates havoc on almost every page of the book. Also, books in our current generation can’t just be words on a page. There needs to be pretty, little details at the start of the book and the beginning of every chapter. Some books even add details to every page! Having to add these details is also very tedious ... Read the Post
The Empty Fridge
We had just come back from a weeklong family vacation the night before, and I went into the kitchen the next morning, contemplating what I would cook for breakfast. All three of my kids sat at the table, waiting with anticipation for their morning meal. I opened the refrigerator and stared at the emptiness. I had made sure to use up most of our groceries before we left, so nothing would be wasted. The fridge looked bare without its usual occupants of milk, OJ, eggs, fruit and vegetables. Suddenly, I heard my 8-year old son cry out, “Mom! The refrigerator!” I looked over at the table ... Read the Post
The Sacrificial Leaf
It was a beautiful spring day in the southwest Florida ecological preserve. My sister, mom, my nephew, and my two boys and I walked leisurely along the preserve boardwalk, passing a bouquet of trees: oak, palm, Royal Palm, pine, and mangrove trees— black, white, and red. Spiders filled the empty spaces between foliage with silken threads and shimmering webs while birds squawked from high branches. Despite God's beautiful creation all around, heavy reverence filled my heart. It was the afternoon of Good Friday, the day a cross-shaped tree held my crucified Savior. "Surely He has borne ... Read the Post