Has God ever called you to step out of a place that had become so familiar…so comfortable…and join Him in a new adventure that would require great faith? It’s what I would call a “walk on the wild side” and about a year ago, that’s exactly what happened to me. I was comfortable in my surroundings and content with life as I knew it, but it soon became evident that God had a plan that was about to shake up my cozy little world and stretch my faith like never before.
During this time, I had been studying the book of Isaiah where God’s people had been in captivity in Babylon for years. What resonated with me was that when the time came for God to set them free and return them to their homeland, many did not want to go because they were “comfortable” in their imprisonment. They felt safe in their foreign land because, for many of them, that was all they had ever known.
In order to make the journey home, they would have to leave the land of familiar and trust God through the treacherous trek back to freedom. God had big plans to bless them tremendously, but some chose to remain prisoners because of fear of the unknown. I could see the reward that lay in store for the Israelites…miracles waiting just around the corner. But God’s rewards weren’t so clear in my own circumstances.
I had a choice to make. I knew that I could stay in my comfortable surroundings and continue living in mediocrity or I could trust God and live life to the fullest. So I did it. I grabbed the hand of my Savior and joined Him on a journey that has forever changed me. I can’t tell you the many blessings that I would have missed out on if I had let my fear conquer my faith.
So now I’m walking and, yes, it is definitely the “wild side,” but it is by His side…and there is nowhere else I’d rather be.
Memory Verse:
“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?”
-Isaiah 43: 18-19a (NIV)
Prayer Prompt:
“Lord, I am so grateful for the privilege of joining You on this adventure called “life.” I don’t want to miss a single opportunity to know You more. Help me to trust You in every circumstance, even when I’m called to move from my comfort zone and set my fears aside. I commit to step out in faith and trust You for . . .”
Contributing Writer:
DeeDee Sharon
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