“But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.” Luke 2:19…marveling in wonder with the shepherds.
12 Years Later… “And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them. And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.” Luke 2:51
I handed my joy away yesterday. It was effectively stolen really. And it took a good night’s sleep and fresh mercies of a new day from the LORD to reclaim it.
Then today, I received a gift of JOY in a message from one of my very first friends. A year ago, I had given her a gift. So she told me that today she is passing a gift to someone else in honor of last year’s gift–multiplied joy!! When I read her exact words, I heard the LORD say, “Hold this close. Treasure it.”
And I am! I am picturing the receivers of the gift. I am amazed at the heart of kindness passed on. I am jubilant at the life, walking on with a lighter step.
Oh, this world. It is hard. The enemy of our souls comes to steal our gifts, to kill our spirits and to destroy our very lives.
So we must be vigilant in keeping watch, keeping silent, keeping still. HOLD IT. Savor the good things and ones you know and see and have in your current sphere.
I think this is part of being still: of knowing God (Psalm 46:10), of knowing and relying on the love He has for us (1 John 4:16), of setting our minds on things above (Colossians 3:2) and of thinking on these excellent and wonderful things (Philippians 4:8). When something wonderful happens to you or in you, hold it close and savor it for a time before broadcasting it.
That’s what Mary did! She heard about the WONDER the shepherds had seen–Angels declaring and glorifying God, speaking of the birth of Christ Jesus born to her that day.
Mary sat in wonder, holding Jesus close.
Then she marveled at Jesus’ words at age 12 — that he must be in his Father’s house. She had amazement at what God was teaching her and her son…HIS SON. Oh my.
Someday she would share it for us to read today. She would tell. But at first, she did not. In fact, she actually let the events unfold in Jesus’ life without her going before or beside with much fanfare to make sure everyone knew with whom they were dealing. She actually let them DISCOVER who Jesus is for themselves, as she had to do, as well. She knew the GIFT of discovering Jesus for herself.
And so shall we. You wonder. You learn. You find the pearl of great price. And friends? The wonder of it is this–you actually can give this JOY away and still keep it! God is amazing that way.
“But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.” Luke 2:19
Lord, we come before you in wonder at the gift that is your Son, Jesus. We ask today that you will cause us to wonder over Him and treasure Him up. He is the unspeakable gift we want to pass along–and treasure up. No thief, no enemy of our souls, can touch the JOY Jesus gives to us. We ask LORD that today you will show us how to share that joy without handing it over in exchange for unworthy substitutes–anger, bitterness and the like. We believe that you have come to set the captives free. Help us find our footing and rightly know You, so we may lay our captivity aside to RUN to you and BE with you always and forever. Amen!
Today, I challenge you to watch for opportunities to lighten someone’s load–be it a smile, prayer or even a gift of kindness!
I loved this… my only add would be- if you could include the written out scripture.. so often I read and I don’t want to stop to go to God’s word and see. so if it was included.. helpful for me.. Be still is the words God gave me before my Momma died.. and I still cling to them.. thanks Pam Anthony… Monument CO