In the rear view mirror we can easily spot Christmas and are probably still dealing with some of the aftermath of cleaning up all of it. From candy canes to wrapping paper and empty boxes to lights on the house, the holidays came and went in a flash, yet still possessed beautiful reminders of God’s perfect gift…Jesus.
Often when preparing to close out one year and start the next, we determine to look even further back in our mirrors so we can see reflections of the entire year. We remember new and various experiences, growing relationships with people, pleasant or uncomfortable changes, financial strains, valleys of loss or disappointment, mountaintops of victories large and small, etc. Each of them contributed to a bumpy, curved, or smooth part of our life’s path of 2014.
As we glance in that mirror, our first recollection might be the recent Christmas holiday. Like a kid latching onto a particular gift at Christmas, sometimes it’s easy to hold on to a particular “package” in life. That package may not necessarily be tangible or even contain something “good” in our eyes, but instead might be an emotion like peace, anger, or bitterness; a wish such as life without stress or sickness, perfect kids, or a bigger house; a plan such as weight loss, a perfectly organized house, or a balanced budget; or a dream of that vacation you’ve always wanted, climbing the corporate ladder, or having a baby.
Most of these goals, dreams, plans, and wishes seem natural and relatively easy, but releasing your grip on that “package” to embrace His goals, His dreams, His plans, and His wishes for your life is a bit more challenging.
The Package
I held onto the package,
its contents treasured so.
My hands held fast around it –
unwilling to let it go.
My life became encumbered
with the contents of my box.
My goal was to unwrap it
no matter what the cost.
From time to time I checked it
hoping for wishes fulfilled,
while God was trying to tell me
just to trust Him and be still.
As I loosened up each finger
the package began to slip,
then very quickly was replaced
with my Heavenly Father’s grip.
And although the package contents
turned out different than I had planned,
my focus was no longer on the box
but on the One Who held my hand.
Erica Skattebo
© copyright, February 2003
Ponder. Reflect. Evaluate. What is in your package…an emotion, a dream, a goal, a plan…or HIM?
“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Matthew 6:21 KJV).
Memory Verse:
“For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee.”
– Isaiah 41:13 (KJV)
Prayer Prompt:
“Lord, I find myself tightly gripping a handful of things that are “earthen treasures” that have derailed my focus on Who truly matters. May I loosen my grip and cling to the hand You willingly offer to me. May YOU be my treasure…”
Contributing Writer:
Erica Skattebo
Aim to Do All
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