For the past 10 years, I have been struggling with depression and feelings of hopelessness. I believe it started after I married my husband strictly out of trying to obey the Lord. My husband and I were living together and not married. We were invited to visit a church close to our work with a fellow coworker. Once we were in, the Holy Spirit did His thing and started working on our hearts. We quickly began changing our ways and becoming more involved with the church. The last thing that remained was us living out of wedlock together. So on a whim we decided that we needed to get married, ... Read the Post
Parental Substitute
My mother passed away when I was one year’s old from a car accident. My Dad was young and overwhelmed by the thought of raising three children, so he gave us to his parents to raise. I can remember thinking when I was a child that my life was normal. Everyone had to know what it was like not to know your mother. As I started getting older, I realized that it wasn’t normal. All my friends had mothers and fathers and all lived together like one happy family. About 3rd grade, I can remember crying on Mother’s Day because I didn’t have a mom. My Grandparents would try to comfort me by telling ... Read the Post
God Speaks
I consider myself a baby Christian in a way. I was raised in church, saved when I was thirteen and always said I was Christian; but I didn’t have a personal relationship with God. Since I’ve found my church, Bay Area Fellowship, about four years ago, my relationship with Him has grown deeper. But, I feel like I’m not completely getting the fulfillment out of knowing God like everyone else is. It seems that God directly speaks to everyone but me. The craziest thing is I know God communicates with me, but I’ve never heard him “speak” like everyone else says He does. I brought this up at my ... Read the Post
I Hear You
My brother in law, Kevin, had been going through a difficult time. His wife left him, he injured his back, his business wasn't thriving and he suffered a great financial loss. Now, the Kevin I know is very handsome, confident, athletic, healthy, positive, successful and of strong faith. One day I was discussing with my friend some of the difficulties Kevin was going through. She told me to text him the verse, Jeremiah 29:11. Later that afternoon, my husband called me and urgently told me to call his brother because he was having a breakdown. So I hesitantly hung up with my husband and ... Read the Post
The Power of Prayer
My husband and I have been going through some difficult times financially since our move. I had started down a new career path, and he was finally getting back into the swing of things with his job. Then we found out we were going to have a baby. We were so excited! Everything was going great until morning sickness or ALL DAY sickness kicked in. I was miserable and couldn’t continue to work. That has hurt us badly. We were already living paycheck to paycheck, just barely covering our bills and living on credit for other necessities. One payday, I was sitting down figuring out the bills ... Read the Post