As an introvert, I love the quiet. There’s little I love more than a quiet Saturday at home with my family. Home is where I’m that most at peace. It’s where I scrapbook, read, and create homemade meals for my family. Just the same, I have to get out. I have to have friends to turn to, to invest in, and to share with. Even my introverted nature longs for companionship, for friendship. As a woman, my soul still needs to share my hopes, dreams, worries, and fears. Especially those last two. More often than not, I share my worries and fears with those closest to me. I tell them all about my ... Read the Post
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
I have a little one growing inside of me. This tiny child has yet to feel sunshine on her face, the wind on her cheeks, or grass between her toes. She has yet to hear a church singing a song, a pastor preaching from the Word, or a good friend giving a word of encouragement. She has so many wonderful things to experience in this world, and so many sad things as well. She will have to watch as people speak out saying there is no God, she’ll see the results of terrorism, see people die in earthquakes and famines. She’ll see people living on the streets, homeless and out of work. And she’ll ... Read the Post