"Mommy, I'm bleeding!" Seth shrieked. I cringed. Seth was going through a fear-of-bleeding-to-death-from-every-little-cut phase; and active, little boys get lots of little cuts. "Let me see," I said. Timidly, he held out his finger to show a tiny cut. It wasn't really bleeding; the cut was just deep enough to bring the blood to the surface, but none was spilling out. I ruled out a trip to the emergency room. "Is it okay?" Seth anxiously asked. "It's fine," I said. "It's a little cut, and it's going to heal right up." "But it's bleeding!" Seth declared. "It's not bleeding," I ... Read the Post
Snatched and Saved
My son and a friend were walking around the neighborhood the other day when they saw one of the neighbor cats coming out of the woods carrying something in its mouth. “What is that?” asked my son. “It’s a squirrel!” his friend yelled, “Get the cat!” The chase was on. From what I hear, they had quite the adventure, yet they finally cornered the cat and rescued the stunned but living baby squirrel. My son’s friend is trying to nurse him back to health. God is just like that! Peter compares Satan not only to a cat, but to a lion (1 Peter 5:8). He prowls around looking for someone to devour ... Read the Post
Climbing Higher
I tried rock climbing once. My senior class in college took a trip to Yosemite National Park where the rock-climbing club from our campus volunteered to give a lesson to those who were interested. It looked easy enough; it wasn’t. Swaddled in harness and ropes, I began my ascent, quickly realizing that the strength I needed would have to come from my fingers and arms--every little muscle in each would be required for the task. My legs existed for balance and support as my hands sought a sure grip for lifting myself to the next level. Halfway up the rock face, I thought I could go no ... Read the Post