In the rear view mirror we can easily spot Christmas and are probably still dealing with some of the aftermath of cleaning up all of it. From candy canes to wrapping paper and empty boxes to lights on the house, the holidays came and went in a flash, yet still possessed beautiful reminders of God's perfect gift...Jesus. Often when preparing to close out one year and start the next, we determine to look even further back in our mirrors so we can see reflections of the entire year. We remember new and various experiences, growing relationships with people, pleasant or uncomfortable changes, ... Read the Post
The Aroma of Praise
Freshly-baked bread may remind you of simple days at grandma's farm. Aromas of vanilla and cinnamon bring memories of baking snickerdoodles with your kids. A musty-pine scent provides sweet recollections of your late dad. Blooming roses, and their various fragrances, treat you to thoughts of first dates with your husband (No, I won't ask if he still brings you flowers). Lavender-laced lotion transports you back to baby bedtime baths. Specific laundry detergent perfumes elicit reminders of now college-bound children. Favorite fragrances have the power to remind you of treasured times and ... Read the Post
Size 13 Footprint
I received a Father’s Day gift this year from my son, created with “encouragement” from my wife. I have received many Father’s Day gifts over the years and I am sure many fathers have received a gift similar to the one I am writing about today. However, I suspect few have received one in the same size as the one I received. You see, my son is 18 and has a size 13 foot. This gift marks a milestone for us. This is our youngest child who is now away in college leaving us at home without children in the house for the first time in 27 years. We are quasi-empty-nesters. I say quasi because we ... Read the Post
I Will Listen to You
I was reminded of a scripture verse recently upon our son's graduation from high school. I used it in my graduation letter to him as well as his sister two years prior but this reminder made me think it was worth sharing here too. You, the reader, will be the judge of that so let me know what you think. My blog is named Peculiar Perspective because I often see life sort of sideways and I think this is another example of that perspective. I think there will be others to come in the future where the more well-known scripture reference is followed by a truth or promise that does not get as ... Read the Post