One lazy Saturday afternoon as a friend and I strolled through a local gift shop, we came across a sign which read simply: Filling Station. The contrast between the white wash on the distressed wood with the subtle moss green lettering caught my eye, but it was those two simple words which caused my friend to pause. “Look!” she pointed, “Doesn’t that sign remind you of our pastor and his reference to the church as a filling station – a place where Believers go to get filled up and refueled each week?” “Yes,” I agreed and jotted down “filling station” on a paper bag for further ... Read the Post
Doing Life with God
Just when I felt like all was well among the Beck Household, tragedy came along to upset the applecart: A teenager involved in a car accident, a second car accident, a daughter considers divorce, an unplanned surgery and, finally, a third car accident. I’m suddenly surrounded by situations that have me turning to God in prayer. I don’t journal my prayers; but if I did, my journal would probably include excerpts like this: “Thank you, God, for protecting my daughter and those involved in the accident. Thank You for car insurance to cover damages and a rental car to drive while repairs are ... Read the Post
Restoration for me has always been a term related to old houses or furniture or fine paintings. Today, this word took on a new meaning. I like to think of myself as a calm person. In my mind's eye, I walk down the street, light on my feet, living life on an even keel, almost skipping, and ready for anything that comes to pass (I even sport a cheery yellow daisy top, lemon capris with lace edged legs, a thick white headband, and a cute pair of lemon espadrilles). Unfortunately, there's nothing like a bit of destruction at the hands of my son to challenge my finely tuned vision. This ... Read the Post
Snatched and Saved
My son and a friend were walking around the neighborhood the other day when they saw one of the neighbor cats coming out of the woods carrying something in its mouth. “What is that?” asked my son. “It’s a squirrel!” his friend yelled, “Get the cat!” The chase was on. From what I hear, they had quite the adventure, yet they finally cornered the cat and rescued the stunned but living baby squirrel. My son’s friend is trying to nurse him back to health. God is just like that! Peter compares Satan not only to a cat, but to a lion (1 Peter 5:8). He prowls around looking for someone to devour ... Read the Post