To be called to the mission field is such a blessing even at the young age of 16. I learned so much about Christ and who He is because of the amazing opportunities He had put before me. But this isn’t about me; it’s about what God has done through me, and that is a story that still amazes me daily.
When I was 16 years old, my family was called to the mission field, and by my family I don’t mean me. At the age of 16, I thought I knew it all, and I rebelled quite furiously against my parents’ decision to move my family to Mombasa, Kenya. After hardening my heart for so long, I realized that God had me there for a reason, and I decided to make the best of my time.
I started making friends with amazing Kenyan people and missionaries. I met moms who lost their kids. I met kids who lost their parents. Ultimately, I met so so many people who still had hope despite their circumstances. God put so many special people in my life who have taught me so much about who Jesus is and how much He loves us.
I ended up gaining so much more than I could have ever imagined! After spending 6 months in Mombasa, my family came back to Corpus Christi, Texas, and I became burdened for the people in Mombasa more and more every day. I tried to avoid God’s call for a while, but I finally came to terms with the fact that I am going back to Mombasa, Kenya (my home).
He hasn’t revealed much to me about how I will get there, how long I will stay, what I will do, where I will live, or how I will get the money; but I know that if God calls me, He will qualifies me in every area. God has called me to “embrace the nations with Him” despite the sacrifice, despite my fear, despite what I want, and–at the end of the day–despite ME.
Will you embrace the nations with God? He has not only challenged all of us, He has commanded us! Maybe that means you stay where you are and witness to your family and friends, maybe that means writing or being an amazing mom like my aunt, Alisa Wagner. Maybe God is calling you to go to an unreached area or maybe God is calling you to give from your resources.
I can’t tell you how He has called you, but I can guarantee that God has called you to something awesome in this life.
Memory Verse:
“He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.'”
– Mark 16:15 (NIV)
Prayer Prompt:
“God, please burden us all with the desire to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ to everyone. The people of all nations need to hear about Your love for them. Jesus sacrificed Himself as a gift to the world. Help us to share that gift to those around us and those on distant shores….”
Contributing Writer:
Willow Andrus
Andrus Family Mission
Willow, amazing words at such a young age! Thank you for sharing your story.