Every time the Lord speaks to me any bit of wisdom or sends me a message through someone else, I think of it as a gift to me. If someone gave me rubies and gold, it wouldn’t mean as much as one piece of wisdom from my Lord.
I received a gift today. I feel like I say that so much to myself. Each gift seems better than the last — each so bright and shiny, each has its own niche and characteristic. Today’s gift was so special because God used my exact wording to speak a message to me.
While watching Joyce Meyer this morning, Joyce used the same words I have been using in my private prayers to the Lord, along with a wonderful teaching about it. The crazy thing is, whenever God answers my private prayers with such accuracy, I get more excited that He would make the motion to answer me than the actual answer.
His motive behind His motion to me is even more spectacular than the answer to my question or situation. Through His motion to answer, I can see His heart. To me, His private words to me are like precious jewels. I feel like I have a great big treasure chest that I store all of His priceless jewels that He gives to me.
Years ago, young women would have hope chests filled with special items in anticipation of their future marriage. In the Bible Jesus makes many references to us as His bride and to a glorious celebration and wedding feast we will one day participate in.
My treasure chest is my personal hope chest, where, along with His words, I store all my hopes and dreams of my eternity with Him.
Memory Verse:
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field.”
– Matthew 13:44 (NIV)
Prayer Prompt:
“Father, thank You for the amazing treasures that You give me each and every day. Help me to slow down and keep my ears attentive to Your ‘motions’ in my life. I know that you have a chest full of awesome insights for me, including…”
Contributing Writer:
Susan Wood
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