In the Bible the disciples had to climb the mountain to sit with Him. I know the “disciples” represent us: the Body of Christ. I understand that a Christian life is not a solo life. It’s a community. As we fellowship, we worship, pray and encourage each other.
I had to climb my mountain by leaving America. I got on a plane to Guatemala, so I could find Jesus and sit with Him and the other disciples. Jesus began to teach us throughout our week long mission trip. Each one of us had different experiences.
My experience occurred on the second day of our mission trip. We were visiting the poorest areas of Guatemala City, and there was a massive landfill with toxic dump. The trash site was so ghastly and smelled so bad that it was difficult for me to breathe.
In order to see this landfill, we had go to go through a gravesite located on the edge of one of the mountains. I knew we were getting close to the end of the cemetery when we saw several hundred vultures flying around the area. These nasty vultures where sitting on gravestones, watching and looking for something they could devour.
When we got out of the van by the edge of the mountain, we could see the bottom of the entire landfill. I was so shocked by how large the area was. It was about ten football fields. You could see people and children down there scavenging. They were hoping to find something valuable, so they could sell it. Also, there were many tents, so they could continue working through the night.
I looked up from where I was standing, and the area beyond and around the dumpsite was beautiful. Jesus spoke to my spirit and said,
“You see such beauty all around? Our Father created the mountains, the lush green trees, the beautiful flowers, and the blue skies. What beautiful country. But then you look down there and you see the horrible toxic landfill. What our Father made was supposed to be for good.
When Our Father made His children, He saw all that He has made, and it was very good. Our Father in Heaven sees us now and He is so sad. He looks into His children that He made for good — like this beautiful country — but, instead of seeing good, He sees the toxic landfill filling up in the bottom of our hearts. It’s so disgusting, and it deeply saddens Our Father. Even we Christians have toxic things in our hearts, and we can start to stink ourselves.”
Jesus put in my mind about the next warning, as I turned my head around too look at the vultures. These vultures are the demonic spirits that roam around into our toxic hearts to scavenge and devour us and take us to the grave and bury us. I knew what Jesus wanted me to do — to be His hands, His feet and His voice. I will speak and teach about Jesus and reach out to the hurt, the broken, and lost.
Memory Verse:
“Now when Jesus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them.”
– Matthew 5:1-2
Prayer Prompt:
“I am forever at Your will, Father. Send me wherever You would like me to go, so I can bring a message of warning and healing to Your people. Show me any toxic dump areas in my heart and destroy any vultures scavenging my soul….”
Contributing Writer:
Angela Pattengill
Such a vivid post! My heart aches. So often it’s easy to not see the toxic waste piling up around us. Our heads are in the clouds while our hearts are prey for the vultures.
God help us. God wake us up. God send me!