One of the hardest things to accept as a Christian is a family member who will not accept the gift of Jesus. After years of praying for my family and sharing God’s love, I began to see God’s hand at work. My little brother began to have random people tell him that he needed to give his life to Christ. One night while escaping from a friend’s house that was being robbed at gunpoint, my brother ran to a house for help. In the middle of the house’s yard was a large sign that read, “Jesus Saves.” The owner of the house helped my brother; and the following day, the man called to check on ... Read the Post
Praying for Her
I sat in the pew with my eyes closed and head bowed while the pastor was praying one Sunday morning. As I meditated on God, He revealed a face in my mind of an old friend I hadn’t seen in years. He laid it upon my heart to pray for her. I prayed for her then, but for the next several weeks, God continually impressed on me to offer my old friend up in prayer. I prayed for her daily, though I didn’t understand what I was specifically praying for. I had lost contact with her, so I had no way of reaching her. Finally, while driving in the car, God again urged me to pray for my friend. I did, ... Read the Post