More than two thousand years ago, a simple girl named Mary was visited by the angel, Gabriel. He proposed what seemed like an impossible scenario, that God Himself would take human form, indwell her human body, and be born as the person Jesus. The concept that God would take a form that could indwell and live inside of a human body was a new concept, and Mary was challenged to believe that God could really do this and agree to accept His plan. As we know, that Christmas day when Jesus was born, the world was forever changed. Even our calendars testify to the magnitude of that change, since ... Read the Post
The Runner
The Runner is so attracted to the border of what’s right and wrong. The Runner thinks he can dabble in sin and outrun it. He sees the consequences as small and the pay-off well worth the risk. The Runner defends what he does with excuses. He scoffs at all warnings. Sin is effortless and he’s in control. He maneuvers and takes it in stride, throwing caution to the wind. Blame goes to someone else. As time goes by, the Runner notices sin gaining speed, creeping up on him. Is he getting weaker or is sin getting stronger? The Runner needs more excuses now, but he’s still ahead and in ... Read the Post
The Gift
Every time the Lord speaks to me any bit of wisdom or sends me a message through someone else, I think of it as a gift to me. If someone gave me rubies and gold, it wouldn’t mean as much as one piece of wisdom from my Lord. I received a gift today. I feel like I say that so much to myself. Each gift seems better than the last -- each so bright and shiny, each has its own niche and characteristic. Today’s gift was so special because God used my exact wording to speak a message to me. While watching Joyce Meyer this morning, Joyce used the same words I have been using in my private prayers ... Read the Post