I was lying in a hospital bed in severe pain, body broken, unable to move, alone in the dark, physically and mentally exhausted but unable to sleep due to the pain. This was the story of my life for an entire February. On this particular night, I had urinated all over myself. My body, hospital gown, and sheets were soaking wet. Due to my broken bones, I was unable to lift my body on a portable potty, and the nurse staff was too busy to assist me. My pride felt as shattered as my body. At 3:00 a.m. I remember looking at the ceiling crying and whispering to God. I told Him that I could ... Read the Post
God's Coincidences
Sometimes things happen that we might call coincidences but are actually divine interventions. There is always a special purpose behind them. They reveal that God is truly interested in His most important creation--human beings. The following story is about such an intervention. One night while I was at the ER with my daughter, a nurse began slandering my name in public. I could not understand why a total stranger would so vehemently attack me with such gross lies. Her cruel words had stung my heart though I tried unsuccessfully to hide it. Several months later, after much praying, I ... Read the Post