I was sitting at my computer a few weeks ago, typing an email that would be going out to several people. Knowing that emails can sometimes be misconstrued due to the lack of emotion (or in my case, sarcasm) that we’re able to transport via Internet, I sought out a trusted “proof-reader.” I called my friend and said, “Listen to this and tell me if you think it sounds okay.” She listened and when I was done she said, “You might want to delete that last line.” We laughed about it when I realized how it might come across to the others, and I, of course, erased the last line of my email. But ... Read the Post
Rebuke Me
I was talking to my twin sister about a concern I had with a particular topic. She wisely told me that my opinion might be judgmental and that I should probably keep it to myself. I was upset at first because I thought, Surely, my opinion is godly and right. However, her loving rebuke stayed in my mind; and throughout the next several days, I came into contact with three different friends on separate occasions. This particular topic that my sister advised me on came up. Though my opinion popped into my head – and I still as of yet didn’t see a problem with it – I kept it to ... Read the Post
A Mother's Influence
One morning while brushing my teeth, I looked up and saw my mother staring back at me in the mirror. I was so startled I swallowed some toothpaste. How could this be? With haste, I ran into my bedroom and the sight of what I found stopped me dead in my tracks: the full length mirror. I squinted hard and ever so gingerly I turned around. There it was...right there in front of me...well, behind me really. My mother’s butt! When I was 11 years old, I distinctly remember making a pact with myself that I would never become my mother. I vowed never to wear comfortable shoes, lose touch with the ... Read the Post