I have always known that God answers prayers, and I have seen Him move in miraculous, undeniable ways. However, I admit that I am guilty of not always bringing Him my day-to-day challenges. I suppose I feel that I bother Him enough, and He’s probably pretty busy with more important things anyway! This was my mind-set while listening to my church pastor’s message about allowing God to illuminate solutions. I was having a really difficult time juggling my many responsibilities in life – mothering three children, working part-time, helping my husband with his business, doing church activities, ... Read the Post
Encouragement in Tough Times
When the stock market took a plunge recently, it reminded me to put my trust in the God who loves me. Looking back over my life, I can remember the times that God has carried me in ways that defy all reason. In 1973, my children were 5 years old and 6 months old. After a trying situation at the hospital, I quit my job. Two weeks later, my husband was laid off his job. I really prayed for wisdom and another job. After working for two weeks doing my notice before quitting, my supervisor tried to get me to take back my resignation. But I felt strongly that I should look for another job. The ... Read the Post