One day as I was sitting on my couch reading through my Christian Woman magazine, I kept thinking in my head about all the beautiful women I know, and how I would love to look like each and every one of them. They all seem to have it so put together all the time, and my life always seems so hectic. I sat there thinking and cherishing the fifteen minutes I had to myself because the kids and just gone to bed and my husband had just left for work. You know those first fifteen minutes of the calm right before the storm of laundry and dishes and all the other things we moms/wives have do before ... Read the Post
A Home of Prayer
Although my husband and I love our first home, we finally decided that we needed to buy larger house for our family. We put our house on the market and started looking at homes right away. We were very excited when we put our first offer on a home. We thought everything would play out smoothly. Little did we know, however, that God was going to teach us a lot before our transition to a new home. We received three very low offers on our house and started getting very discouraged. On top of that we lost the contract on the house that we had put an offer on. Again, we started looking at homes ... Read the Post