I work as a Medical Social Worker for Driscoll Children’s Hospital in the Neonate Intensive Care Unit (NICU). Like all jobs, mine involves tasks that are extremely challenging. One of the most challenging tasks is that I have to be present and assist with all infant deaths that occur in the NICU. This task has become increasingly more challenging since I became pregnant six months ago. There are no magic words that I can say to stop the parents’ pain and suffering. As I sit with them, I question why God would bless a family with a baby only to take him away three weeks later. It seems ... Read the Post
Lessons from Loss
After delivering my last child stillborn, I experienced the most excruciating pain in my heart. It is just not natural to labor, deliver, and not bring your child home with you. Nothing made sense about the entire situation, but I did find God’s comfort in the midst of my deep pain in knowing He was with me even when I didn’t feel His presence 100% of the time. That’s where my faith kicked in. I felt so much love and support from my church family, but there was an emptiness that I couldn’t explain or fill. I went to work as a nurse after my two other kids started school because I didn’t ... Read the Post