I'm a procrastinator. I struggle with it every day and I'm not proud of it. I've learned over time that procrastination costs. Sometimes it costs a lot. For instance, once I forgot about a court date for a traffic ticket. I kept putting off scheduling a new court date or paying the fine and it eventually cost me an extra $400. You would think I would never put important things off again. But I still find myself procrastinating. And sadly it spills over into my spiritual life as well. Sometimes I wonder how many blessings I've lost out on because of this bad habit? More importantly, have ... Read the Post
Thorough Cleaning
My department was moving to a new floor. We were told our new spaces had been cleaned already by the previous occupants. We hoped that was the case. From a distance they looked clean. However, as we walked into the cubicles and took a closer look, we were disappointed. The desks and cabinets were filthy. It took lot of cleanser and elbow grease to get the spaces clean enough for us to feel comfortable moving in. I was tempted to complain because I hate dirt and filth. But the Holy Spirit whispered to me, “The desks and cabinets are like your heart.” That took me by surprise. What kind of ... Read the Post