When the bank is overdrawn and bills pile up… When kids are sick and doctors’ visits are out of the question… When relationships fall apart and bring heartache… …know where I run to hide when all these trials and hurts enter my life with a vengeance? As a child running to the security of its father’s lap, I run right into the shelter of God’s presence, His secret hiding place. David knew this hiding place so well and wrote of it many times. In the Psalms, he said to God, “Hide me under the shadow of Your wings,” (Ps. 17:8 NKJV). “I shall live forever in Your tabernacle; oh, to be safe ... Read the Post
Lean into the Sun
We live in an older neighborhood. It’s your average-middle-class-built-in-the-’70s-typical-ranch-at-the-end-of-a-quiet-cul-de-sac kind of house. The houses sit fairly close together, so our backdoor window and kitchen window overlook our driveway and the neighbor’s side and back yards. Standing as a wall of separation along the edge of the driveway is the neighbor’s chain-link fence, where the previous owner loved to plant things. The fruits of her labor protrude over the fence, concealing the chain-links in a wall of green foliage. The other morning, as I waited for my second cup of ... Read the Post
Ready Bride?
He shuffled his feet and wiped his sweaty palms on his jacket. His face twitched, producing a peculiar, cockeyed smile. Then, the bride began her promenade down the aisle, and the groom’s whole body radiated with delight. They were so anxious to look their best for each other. All decked out in their wedding finery: He, fit to meet the bride; she, fit to meet the bridegroom. As I sat in the chapel praying for them, the thought occurred to me: Jesus is fit and ready to meet me as His Bride, but am I fit and ready to meet Him as my Bridegroom? If Jesus died that the church, His bride, ... Read the Post