While sitting at an Independence Day celebration awaiting the evening fireworks display, a friend remarked, “I wonder how many of the hundreds of people here stop to think about the true reason we celebrate tonight. It is not about the fireworks or the cookouts. It is because a group of men drafted and signed a document that would ultimately lead to our nation’s freedom. Countless others believed in fighting for that independence—even though it cost many of them their lives.” I thought about his comments on the way home that night. I said a prayer of thanksgiving for our founding fathers, ... Read the Post
A Plank in My Eye
While driving to work one day, a cell phone in my right hand and my left hand on the steering wheel, I came upon a line of slow moving cars. There wasn’t any reason for traffic to move slowly except the lead car was traveling a maximum of forty-five miles per hour. “I don’t believe this,” I said to my husband on the other end of the phone. “This person has three cars delayed because they refuse to drive the speed limit.” I couldn’t wait to find a passing zone on the rural farm-to-market road. Looking in the rear view mirror, I saw another fast moving car approach. “Make it four cars,” I ... Read the Post
He Cares for You
While driving to Bible study, I cried out to the Lord, “Don’t you care?” A few days earlier, my husband had chest pains and went to the emergency room. The pain was due to gastrointestinal problems and he was able to return home. However, we had to pay the hospital bill. Two years prior, John lost his job and health insurance. With his history of cancer, obtaining coverage wasn’t easy. He found employment, but no benefits. For two years, I prayed that God would provide him with insurance. He doesn’t care, I thought. If He did, He would have already answered my prayer. If God promises to ... Read the Post