Has God ever called you to step out of a place that had become so familiar…so comfortable…and join Him in a new adventure that would require great faith? It’s what I would call a “walk on the wild side” and about a year ago, that’s exactly what happened to me. I was comfortable in my surroundings and content with life as I knew it, but it soon became evident that God had a plan that was about to shake up my cozy little world and stretch my faith like never before. During this time, I had been studying the book of Isaiah where God’s people had been in captivity in Babylon for years. What ... Read the Post
Death of My Dreams
Many years ago my sister and I were very, very close. Our seven combined children were small, and we planned to be together five or six times a year for holidays and summers. We lived several miles away from each other, so we were adamant about making the time for us all to be together. My sister and I created Easter baskets for our children, held Halloween and birthday parties, and thought up any and every conceivable way for us to see each other. Our husbands got along well, and our children loved the time with their cousins. More importantly, my sister and I got to be together and love ... Read the Post