My friend hurt my feelings. She spread “her view” to several other friends. Her comments waltzed their way into my house and infuriated me. I was sure I had been fatally wounded. Falling to my knees, I wailed, “Speak to me from Your Word.” I opened my Bible to the gospel of Mark: “But Jesus, not heeding the word spoken…” It was soul food. I knew I needed “holy deafness,” or I would become part of the problem, rather than part of the solution. I sat quietly and began to pray. Lord, give me holy deafness when hurtful words are said. Help me to continue to be about my Father’s business and not ... Read the Post
Sins of the Spirit
Lord, today I was angry. When friendship was extended, I responded coolly. I felt justified. After what she had said, I had a right to treat her that way. About whom does she think she is making such condescending statements? I haven't done anything to deserve her cruel comments. In the long run my refusal of her friendship will teach her a valuable lesson: Her behavior is unacceptable. I will not reward such dysfunction. After all, her attitude is totally despicable, and it goes against the teachings in Your Word, Lord. I certainly don't want to enable her. I've settled it once and for ... Read the Post
God Winks
Grandma Eleanor was the stabilizing force in my life for as long as I can remember. Her wisdom and common sense echoed in the depths of my soul. After her death, it seemed the grief would come in waves and cast shades of suffocating bereavement throughout my day. I would always find comfort in the Scriptures and consolation in the old hymns about Heaven. But as our family was embarking on a new adventure, I was stung by this painful reality – Grandma Eleanor wouldn’t be part of my daughter’s wedding. As my daughter, Rebekah, and I made wedding preparations, I discovered a treasured picture ... Read the Post