My best friend is in town this week and for the last four days she and her two kids have spent time with me. I love visiting with her; it has been such a blessing. We haven’t been together like this in almost two years. She made comment the other day about how calm I am through all the adventures of raising a teenager, a preteen and a toddler; and that she is often not as calm.
She said that I have had a calming attitude since she has known me. Okay, I would just like to know who is she talking about, and where can I find this woman that she’s describing. I really do not consider myself a very calm person. I’m at times stressed from chasing a toddler, explaining life to a preteen and trying to win an argument with a teenager. Where does the word calm fit into the equation?
A mother who wants peace needs to work at creating peace. I notice so many times that when I flare up, my kids flare up. When my husband comes home from work and my attitude is negative, then instantly his entire mood sours. As a mom we create so much of the mood in our family, and it takes effort to create peace. It can be somewhat exhausting trying to be calm and continually trying to manage a peaceful atmosphere, but it is worth the effort.
Therefore, when my girlfriend tells me that I’m a calm person, I just laugh and simply say, “Thank you.” I then say, “Thank you,” to God. He is the One who instills the peace within me. I’m in constant communication with God everyday. I often try to visualize Him hanging out with me in my kitchen because that is usually where my family’s life revolves.
True, there are days where I get angry and frustrated and the whole family is in total chaos, but I know that God is with me during those crazy moments, reminding me that I am who He says I am: a gal who is calm and at peace with whatever life hands her. Now who could resist a compliment like that?
Memory Verse:
“He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”
– Psalm 23:2-3 (NIV)
Prayer Prompt:
“Lord, today help me to find the calmness in my soul. Help me to exemplify that with constant communication with You, we can have peace during all situations. When I reach out to You, You are there to guide me along a peaceful stream. I can find comfort that you are in control, and that You will restore peace and calm in me the moment it is depleted. Help me find calmness in the area of…”
Contributing Writer:
Tiffany Locke
Spiritual Chick with Wings
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