After a painful break-up with my then boyfriend, Mark, I was feeling very down and discouraged. What went wrong? We had both been Christians and had lots of fun together, making sweet, special memories. But, though we both had hope in our hearts, it hadn’t lasted.
One day, still hurting from the loss of this once rich relationship, I was on the floor, leaning against my bed, crying for some comfort, looking in His Word. It was then that my pages fell to a passage I had never noticed before. With my eyes growing wide, the Scripture jumped out at me from Philemon, verse 15: “Perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back for good.”
I think my jaw physically dropped! Lord, is this Philemon Promise for me…? Could it be, I wondered, as I felt my soul stirring with new activity? Was God using this season of separation to teach us something or prepare us for a future later? I immediately felt like dancing or shouting or singing and my heart overflowed with thanksgiving and I felt the Spirit was speaking!
What a gift it was and I tucked this passage in the back of my mind and it gave me peace. I felt my brokenness healing tenderly in my heart in a way that’s hard to explain. Not too long after, with some talks and tears, Mark and I got back together. Today I write this as his wife and I will always remember with awe and gratitude this precious time when God shared His wonderful Word to me personally.
Memory verse:
“Perhaps the reason he was separated from you for a little while was that you might have him back for good.”
– Philemon 1:15 (NIV)
Prayer prompt:
“Loving Father, thank You that Your timing is perfect. Teach us to wait on you and trust in You. Thank you that Your Word is active and alive and speaks to us still. Help us hear Your voice and walk in Your promises….”
Contributing Writer:
Cindy Evans
Loved this so much! Thanks for sharing it!