I am often encouraged by a beautiful sunset. It appears majestic—ribbons of soaring light peering through couplets of clouds draws in my heart. I don’t seek God in the sunset, but I search the heavens and thank Him for what He created. I look at sunsets when I feel overwhelmed and need encouragement because of the minute things of life.
Sometimes everything feels overwhelming. Reading through Job is a funny way to be encouraged. The daily difficulties of a man being sifted by Satan is not appealing on the surface. But deeper into the thickness of the Bible, I found a gem that puts it all into perspective.
The latter part of Job contains some of my favorite chapters in the Bible. God tells Job to brace himself: “Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me” (Job 38:3, NIV). God proceeds to ask Job where he was when He created the earth’s foundation, the dimensions, the stars, the limits of water and land, the light, and the darkness; where were you, Job?
When I read through these verses, my entire world is plunged into perspective. The laundry, my writing, the bills, the grass that needs to be mowed, the devotions I forgot to read for Sunday School, all form their place outside of the greatness of God.
At that moment I remember that I am bothered and worried for nothing. When put into the correct perspective, the daily, weekly, and monthly tasks eventually get checked off my to-do list without me losing my witness.
Memory Verses:
“I said the Lord, ‘You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.’”
– Psalm 16:2 (NIV)
Prayer Prompt:
“Thank You, Lord, that You are faithful to us. Help us to remember You in your daily life. We know that You are our help. Help us to see our lives from Your perspective. And encourage us in our daily life….”
Contributing Writer:
ML Michaels
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