When you find yourself beginning a new chapter in your life, you feel both anxious and excited. It is hard to start over or begin it again. We challenge ourselves and doubt everything along the way.
I am beginning multiple new chapters in my life, so my anxiety, doubt, and excitement are even higher. Being a woman, a mother, and a wife, of course, makes all of this an even bigger deal. My mind can’t help to wonder, why do I have to start over and begin again? Is this the plan, and if so why I did I not get it right the first time?
My first new beginning was finding myself as a new Christian and bringing God into my life. My second new beginning was with my husband. We have reunited after a lengthy separation. My third new beginning is a new job in a new town. (Well, that’s two new beginnings in one). To be able to do something new or even do it over is a great opportunity for anyone.
I am enthusiastic about embracing these journeys. After a lot of thinking and praying, I realize that it’s not what went wrong but more so about how to make it better and permanent. I think God understand that we sometimes we won’t get His plans right the first time and these “beginnings” or “redo’s” are just about Him pulling us back into His plan because we were lost.
Memory Verse:
“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!”
– 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLT)
Prayer Prompt:
“God, help me with my new beginning. I want to stay on Your path and keep myself committed to Your will and Your timing in all areas of my life. I’m excited about what You will do in this new season of life….”
Contributing Writer:
Tiffany Molina
Thanks so much, Tiffany, for sharing this honest nugget from you latest life lessons. I am much like you in constantly having several new beginnings going on at once in my life. Your words are an inspiration!
Hi Tiffany, I’m experiencing my own new beginning thus I can really relate to what you’ve written. May your endings far exceed anything you could have imagined. Blessings.
Hi Tiffany, I’m experiencing my own new beginning thus I can really relate to what you’ve written. May your endings far exceed anything you could have imagined. Blessings.