Do you recall a time when you were young and someone you loved and adored, someone you looked up to, stood before you, took your chin gently and raised your lowered head with their hand? Your lip may have been quivering with a tear running down your cheek. That tall person lifted your head until your eyes met with theirs. You saw love in those eyes; you sensed the care and gentleness they felt towards you. Your heart was touched by this tall one’s protection, reassurance, and unconditional love for you, just you, at that very moment in time.
Spend the next few minutes remembering such a moment, such a person as this. Sense and ponder that experience…right now. God, our Father, feels this way about you, yet even more so. His compassion never fails. His love is unconditional. He is majestic, deserving reverential love and awe. He is your shield, your refuge, and your deliverer. He encircles you with His strength, His power, and His might. He defends and protects you in ways you may not even know.
Since He lifts His sheep from pits when they fall, and He goes looking for the one out of one hundred that is lost, surely, since you are one of His sheep, He will come looking for you. He will lift you up. As you stand with Him and in Him, let nothing in the world pull you down. He sent His Son to die for you, nailing your sins to the cross. Ashamed? Cowering? You are not to be. Stand strong in the LORD.
Allow the Father to lift your head, for with a lifted head, you are able to look up and see the Father’s glory, His reflection, His love. His touch is gentle and kind. He created you and knows your potential. He wants His best for you. When your head is lifted, you can see beyond your circumstances.
Your head is higher than anything that is not of God. None of that can control you when your head is lifted up. You can see above…towards the heavenly realm. You can know that God, your Father, lights the skies for you as you follow Him along the way. Fears are released and given no power for the LORD is power. Let Him be the lifter of your head.
Memory Verse:
“But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.”
– Psalm 3:3 (ESV)
Prayer Prompt:
“LORD, I pray that each one of us seek You, the Lifter of our heads. You call us to come before You in thanksgiving and praise. You are the Holy One. We bow before the cross, asking for forgiveness, knowing that You have already poured Your grace upon us. Abba Father, thank You for giving us vision to see beyond our current point in this life, past the pain and suffering of ourselves, of those in this world, and past the momentary affliction, circumstance, struggle, discouragement. Be the Lifter of our heads and show us Your way, O LORD….”
Contributing Writer:
Linda Gill
Thanks so much, Linda. These are wonderful words of encouragement. I will forward them on to others.