Other people’s success can be an intimidating thing, even when we are genuinely happy for them. My mom became a Christian only a year before I did. She almost immediately went to Bible College. She then became a minister and speaker of God’s Word. She mended struggling churches. She helped countless people in their faith. She did so much good in the community. I did none of these things.
The mere thought of standing up at the pulpit made me feel sick. A thousand doubts and fears used to plague me. Was I less of a Christian because I didn’t have a grand list of achievements? Then the Lord taught me something remarkable and wonderful. He taught me that no matter what I was called to do, all I had to do was my best. Nothing more, nothing less.
Being the best friend I could be to someone means just as much to the Lord as being a renowned speaker. As long as we do our best for the Lord in everything we do then there is no room for feelings of inadequacy.
Memory verse:
“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.”
– 2 Timothy 2:15 (NIV)
Prayer Prompt:
“Lord, help me to embrace the opportunities You provide. Teach me to know Your love and wisdom so that this heart-felt knowledge may wash away any fears or doubts I might still occasionally harbor. Thank You for accepting this gift I offer You through doing the very best I can do . . .”
Contributing Writer:
Lynda Young
This was a good post! It’s so easy to think that if we aren’t doing something big, we aren’t doing anything. God truly doesn’t see things the way we do. His ways and His thoughts are higher than ours. It’s so easy to full into that trap of “doing” for the sake of doing, rather than just “being” the reflection of Christ. Awesome lesson here!