When I am holding my baby daughter, she gives everyone heavenly smiles. She is in my arms, and she feels the freedom to spread her sweetness to each new face that she sees. Her smiles melt the hearts of the passersby, and they always comment on how beautiful and sweet natured she is.
However, when my daughter leaves my arms, her sweetness completely disappears. When someone else is holding her, she frowns and cries and lets the whole world know her displeasure. She has no more heavenly smiles to share and no more sweetness to pass out. She is completely miserable and makes those around her anxious.
Only when she is safely in my arms, does my daughter shine her sweet side again. This is the same way with us and our Heavenly Father. When we diligently seek Him each day, it is easier to share love with others and look past offenses. If we have not sought God and we are trying to live on our own strength, we will fail miserably. Life is hard and people can hurt us, and many times it is easier to pass out frowns instead of smiles.
But, God calls us to love others as much as we love ourselves. That is impossible unless we are allowing God to lead us every second of the day. Make an exerted effort to seek God and find strength in His arms. If you do, you’ll be able to share heavenly smiles with those around you instead of worldly frowns.
Memory Verse:
“He answered: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and, Love your neighbor as yourself.’”
– Luke 10:27 (NIV)
Prayer Prompt:
“Father, help me to find security and strength in Your arms, so that I may love others and shine Your light. I want to be a blessing to others, Lord, not a hindrance. Today, I pledge to make an effort to allow You to guide my life. Bring to my mind people who may need heavenly smiles today, including…”
Contributing Writer:
Alisa Hope Wagner
Faith Imagined
I love that feeling of a baby in my arms content with giggles and cooing. I must admit that I egg them on sometimes so they don’t cry, but I’ll do [almost] anything to keep a baby from CWWM:Crying While With Me.
The Lord does this for us too by sending us what writers have coined God winks. He’ll put us in situations were we get a feeling in our gut that he hasn’t forsaken us.