We strive to use our gifts and talents for the Lord and give Him our best until something difficult happens to cause us to stumble: we see someone with a “better” gift pass us by. We start to feel insecure and stuck. It’s one of the enemy’s most common tactics. We compare.
We don’t mean to do it, but so many times we give in and allow ourselves to begin to dig the pit. You know the pit. It’s the “I’m not good enough; I’m not talented enough; I’m not spiritual enough; I’m not outgoing enough; I’m not (fill in the blank) enough PIT!”
This thought process spirals into the next phase called, “Shrinking Back.” This occurs when we shy away from our God-given calling and allow the tactics of the enemy to overshadow the promises that God has laid before us. It happens the moment we buy into the lies and start believing the deceptive thoughts being whispered over us.
God’s Word says that you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength. The enemy says you are weak and good for nothing. God’s Word says He has a plan for you, to give you a hope and a future. The enemy says God wouldn’t waste His time on a sinner like you. God’s Word says there is no shame or condemnation in Christ Jesus.
The enemy says you will never be free of the guilt you carry. And so the cycle begins. My question to you is, “Who will you believe?” I’ve done it both ways. I’ve allowed the enemy to win over my thoughts and steal my joy. I’ve also fought to keep my faith intact and had the joy of experiencing freedom from judging myself! God’s way is much better! He created you with a mix of unique talents and abilities that only you possess; and if you shrink back, no one else can fill that gap.
Life is not a dress-rehearsal. This is it! Do those things that you are passionate about and keep your eyes focused solely on Him. Stop believing the lies and say it out loud: “Because of Christ, I am enough! I have everything I need to accomplish His purpose in my life. I refuse to miss a single opportunity to reach the fullest potential that He placed in me the day He dreamed me up.
If He is for me, who can be against me? I am not afraid! He is enough; therefore, I am enough. I won’t shrink back!”
Memory Verse:
“But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.”
– Hebrews 10:39 (NIV)
Prayer Prompt:
“Lord, what a struggle this can be. It is so easy to find fault with ourselves and disregard the creative design You’ve formed in Your own image. I choose to believe that I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Thank You for the gifts and abilities you’ve placed in me. I pray that You would use them to accomplish Your purpose as I…”
Contributing Writer:
DeeDee Sharon
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