Our Creator is the author of great ideas and magnificent plans, and He has an eye for eternal purposes. He uses us, as His creation, to carry out wonderful tasks that are a part of His story. But isn’t it funny that when we receive our “action items” from the Lord, our first inclination is to seek the approval from someone we respect or admire? I did it just this week. I’ve been questioning an idea that I felt was from the Lord and sought out the counsel of a trusted friend. We are so blessed to have those friendships! But what happens when we receive opposing comments? What do we do when ... Read the Post
Archives for April 2013
God's Perfect Path
My husband and I were in total shock as we learned our two year old son was severely hearing impaired, and that a battery of medical tests were still needed. Immediately following the appointment, I dropped my son off at his daycare and went to fulfill a volunteer commitment I had previously agreed to. I was so confused. I wondered why I had chosen to leave my son after learning he is nearly deaf. Wouldn’t a normal mother in this situation want to hold and comfort her child instead of leave him behind, especially since I knew I could easily get out of my commitment with a simple phone call? ... Read the Post
Thank You, Lord, For Picking Us Up
This morning I was reminded how precious my God is and how He really cares for us as a loving Father. My five year old daughter was getting out of the car to run into school. I say run because she only has one speed and walking is not one of them. I always wait in my car until she gets into the building and this morning wasn’t any different. She saw a friend and started waving as she was running and didn’t notice she was coming into wet grass. At about 6o miles per hour she fell flat on her belly and slid as if she were closing in on home plate. I was watching from about twenty-five yards ... Read the Post
Pity Party Foiled
As I sat on an airliner looking at the lights of a city disappearing into darkness, tears welled up and I started to cry. I loved living in that city. I had a lot of wonderful friends. But now I was moving to another city that I did not like, starting a new job, and moving into a new neighborhood. Somewhere below me a moving van was traveling the same direction as I, delivering all my earthly possessions to the new location. I felt all alone. I began to have a real self pity party right next to the window of the airplane. I could not hold back the tears. I questioned God’s will in this and ... Read the Post
Picture Perfect Puzzle
I love puzzles! I especially love the 1,000 piece puzzles. I have three beautiful Thomas Kinkade puzzles matted, framed, and on display in my house. It’s the only way I can actually afford one of his paintings. With each framed puzzle, I can recall exactly what I was going through during that season of my life. Each puzzle reminds me of the struggles I was experiencing and what I was doing to figure out the solutions. They are each like a personal testimony of my life. The last two months I’ve managed to work on two puzzles. I’m going thought a lot! Right now my life feels like a puzzle and ... Read the Post