I remember the day my hubby handed me my new Droid phone. I looked at him blankly, wondering why he was handing me a calculator and how in the world would this gadget fit in my hand, purse, and life. I’m an old-fashioned girl with a technology allergy that flairs up around digital devices. I do well enough around computers, but that’s about it. In time I got used to speaking into my calculator-phone, and I’ve realized it’s an important tool for communication. When it comes to music I’m still i-less: no iPad, iPod, or iTouch, (though I do have iDrops if anyone needs them). Instead, I get in ... Read the Post
Archives for November 2011
Power of the Flashdrive
For some reason my computer would not read my camera card. Every time I would stick the tiny disk into the USB port, the computer refused to open my picture folder. I'd have to put the card back into my camera and continue taking my family photos. However, after several weeks and dozens of photo ops, my camera was jammed packed with beautiful memories; and I desperately needed to upload them to my family blog – the grandparents were waiting! So I decided to put the pictures on my laptop, save them to a disk and upload them to my home computer. I forgot how large photo and video files are ... Read the Post
Fellowship of the Mice
My sister’s garage door broke one night, and mice got into her house. Since her husband was away on business, she and her three little ones had to live with mice for several days. She was miserable. She put out traps, she searched her house for foul smelling carcasses and she went to bed with visions of rodents in her head. She called me crying, so I went into action and obtained reinforcements. There was no reason why my sister had to face this mice menace alone. My brother, my sister-in-law and I all went to my sister’s house. Just having us there made her feel so much better. We told ... Read the Post
Thorough Cleaning
My department was moving to a new floor. We were told our new spaces had been cleaned already by the previous occupants. We hoped that was the case. From a distance they looked clean. However, as we walked into the cubicles and took a closer look, we were disappointed. The desks and cabinets were filthy. It took lot of cleanser and elbow grease to get the spaces clean enough for us to feel comfortable moving in. I was tempted to complain because I hate dirt and filth. But the Holy Spirit whispered to me, “The desks and cabinets are like your heart.” That took me by surprise. What kind of ... Read the Post
I took my precious guitar into the music shop to get looked at. It had taken a face plant at church a few weeks ago while I was singing. All the guitar technician could say was, "It's bad, Monica, real bad." I felt my heart twinge as never before. Looks like what I thought was just a tumble was actually a "devastating blow." Then I thought about life. Sometimes we think we have just taken a slight tumble only to look back and realize that we actually experienced a devastating blow, cracking our foundation. But God’s Word says that nothing we do can separate us from His love. No matter ... Read the Post