The Runner is so attracted to the border of what’s right and wrong. The Runner thinks he can dabble in sin and outrun it. He sees the consequences as small and the pay-off well worth the risk. The Runner defends what he does with excuses. He scoffs at all warnings. Sin is effortless and he’s in control. He maneuvers and takes it in stride, throwing caution to the wind. Blame goes to someone else. As time goes by, the Runner notices sin gaining speed, creeping up on him. Is he getting weaker or is sin getting stronger? The Runner needs more excuses now, but he’s still ahead and in ... Read the Post
Archives for June 2011
What's In Your Vacuum?
Today, I was using my vacuum and I noticed that she wasn't working very hard. I was surprised, because I have been quite kind to my lovely appliance, rarely making her do any work. She seemed to be having a difficult time "sucking"; the poor dear was having her own type of appliance asthma attack. I sat on the floor and began to peer into her cylindrical body parts. I determined that one of her vessels had to be clogged; she was going to require surgical assistance from me. Screwdriver in hand, I unclenched the cylinder that was connected to her heart. I was sure that whatever was ... Read the Post
Accepting the Journey
"Lord, how long does the season of suffering last?" I asked myself. Each day I go about my daily routine, I'm unceasingly asking the Lord to provide me with a fresh word that will comfort me in my anxiousness. Having the responsibility of being a full-time wife and mom along with work and ministry is often accompanied with a great amount of pressure. There are many times I might find myself overwhelmed. It's in those moments (of being overwhelmed) I find meditating on God's Word and the desires of my heart to bring me a sense of peace. Over the past few weeks I have been reflecting back ... Read the Post
God's Coincidences
Sometimes things happen that we might call coincidences but are actually divine interventions. There is always a special purpose behind them. They reveal that God is truly interested in His most important creation--human beings. The following story is about such an intervention. One night while I was at the ER with my daughter, a nurse began slandering my name in public. I could not understand why a total stranger would so vehemently attack me with such gross lies. Her cruel words had stung my heart though I tried unsuccessfully to hide it. Several months later, after much praying, I ... Read the Post