While driving to work one day, a cell phone in my right hand and my left hand on the steering wheel, I came upon a line of slow moving cars. There wasn’t any reason for traffic to move slowly except the lead car was traveling a maximum of forty-five miles per hour. “I don’t believe this,” I said to my husband on the other end of the phone. “This person has three cars delayed because they refuse to drive the speed limit.” I couldn’t wait to find a passing zone on the rural farm-to-market road. Looking in the rear view mirror, I saw another fast moving car approach. “Make it four cars,” I ... Read the Post
Archives for May 2010
The God Picture
Lately I’ve been trying to teach my older daughter about a bigger picture, like when I tell her, “As soon as you finish those sentences, you need to start alphabetizing your spelling words.” Then I go do a chore, giving her enough time to complete the first task and start on the next. When I come back to check on her, I find that though she finished the sentences, she did not start on her spelling words. Instead, she ran off to play with her younger sister. I ask her what she is doing and what she is supposed to be doing. She knows the answers. I explain to her that if I can’t trust her ... Read the Post