The danger of being in ministry of any capacity is that we find more joy in it than we find in our husbands. At times I find myself giving all my time, energy, words of affirmation and encouragement to others, leaving my husband in the dust. As I gazed into my soon to be husband's eyes in front of God and all those people, I repeated those words of love and devotion: "in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad..." I don't remember saying the following stipulation: "as long as blogging, ladies retreats, Facebook, twittering, or going out with my friends for coffee don’t get in the ... Read the Post
Archives for December 2009
Philemon Promise
After a painful break-up with my then boyfriend, Mark, I was feeling very down and discouraged. What went wrong? We had both been Christians and had lots of fun together, making sweet, special memories. But, though we both had hope in our hearts, it hadn't lasted. One day, still hurting from the loss of this once rich relationship, I was on the floor, leaning against my bed, crying for some comfort, looking in His Word. It was then that my pages fell to a passage I had never noticed before. With my eyes growing wide, the Scripture jumped out at me from Philemon, verse 15: “Perhaps the ... Read the Post
H1N1 and Horses and Chariots
Today my whole family got vaccinated for H1N1 (that's a whole "can-o-worms" these days). As I walked from the hospital, I felt a little relief that we had taken some measures to keep healthy; but at the same time, I consciously tried to remind myself that my whole trust cannot be in a mere man-made precaution. Many moons ago, before there were tanks and air planes and guns, there were horses and chariots. Kingdoms built up their store of pure bred horses and magnificent chariots as a way to arm themselves in the event of war. I can just imagine a king sitting back in his throne with a sense ... Read the Post
He’ll Never Leave
My youngest son, Samuel, is at a stage where he doesn't like me to be out of his sight all that much (funny how you can take the littlest things for going to the bathroom by yourself). A lot of times I will come into the living room after a quick 30 second trip up and down the stairs to find him hanging onto the toy box and crying as if I had left him for good. I quickly pick him up and hold him close, kissing away his tears and murmur in his ear, "Mama loves you. Mama would never leave you. Mama would never leave..." He finally calms down and gives me a big watery, ... Read the Post