When the stock market took a plunge recently, it reminded me to put my trust in the God who loves me. Looking back over my life, I can remember the times that God has carried me in ways that defy all reason. In 1973, my children were 5 years old and 6 months old. After a trying situation at the hospital, I quit my job. Two weeks later, my husband was laid off his job. I really prayed for wisdom and another job. After working for two weeks doing my notice before quitting, my supervisor tried to get me to take back my resignation. But I felt strongly that I should look for another job. The ... Read the Post
Archives for July 2009
"Send me. I will go. Send me. I will go. To this city, to this nation and to the nations of the world. I cry out for every family. You open blind eyes and set people free; that as a nation we would turn back to You, and see revival sweep this land." As we sang this worship song at our Thursday night prayer meeting, my heart skipped a beat. I had recently returned from a mission trip, and my heart was still full of longing for the mission field. This particular prayer meeting, however, was to focus on praying for our community, city, state and especially our nation. Worship was powerful ... Read the Post
A Toothpaste Lesson
A friend was teaching her four year old son about spoken words. She wanted him to know how important it is to think before he speaks, to use either kind words or no words at all, and to respond when spoken to in an uplifting and respectful manner. She wrote the word "W O R D" on a piece of cardboard, making sure he knew what those four letters meant. Then asking her son to take the tube of toothpaste, she told him to trace over the four letters with the paste as he squeezed it from the tube. For a four year old, this was great fun! Upon completion she praised him on his careful toothpaste ... Read the Post
Lean into the Sun
We live in an older neighborhood. It’s your average-middle-class-built-in-the-’70s-typical-ranch-at-the-end-of-a-quiet-cul-de-sac kind of house. The houses sit fairly close together, so our backdoor window and kitchen window overlook our driveway and the neighbor’s side and back yards. Standing as a wall of separation along the edge of the driveway is the neighbor’s chain-link fence, where the previous owner loved to plant things. The fruits of her labor protrude over the fence, concealing the chain-links in a wall of green foliage. The other morning, as I waited for my second cup of ... Read the Post
Living "I Love You"
My son, Mychal, has inherited my love for life. He’s a vivacious young man and brings great pride and joy to my heart. So often I hear myself telling people, “Yeah, he looks like his dad, but he acts like his mom.” I’ve watched him grow up and have always let him know how very special he is to me. I love all of my children, don’t get me wrong, but Mychal and I have a special connection – a bond. He was standing in the kitchen last night telling me how nice his friend’s mom is. He said that when he went to leave his friend’s house that his friend’s mom told him to drive careful. He told her, ... Read the Post