During my entire childhood, I longed to look like, act like, and be an adult. Finally, my chronological age supports that I am. I have a husband, two children, a wonderful career....I guess I have finally arrived. Now, I can work on having an adult relationship with God, Right? However, in one day, I found out that being an adult in the kingdom of God was not all that desirable. I had the pleasure of joining a group of godly women for a Christian conference. The women surrounding me were all women I respect in their personal and spiritual lives. From my vantage point all these women were so ... Read the Post
Archives for March 2009
The Christmas Rose
I love Christmas time and all the preparation that is involved to get my house ready. One of my favorite things to do is unpack my ornaments and place them perfectly on the tree. The ornament that is the most precious to me is a beautiful and fragile red rose. This rose symbolizes a miracle to our family. A couple of years ago, I received the scariest news I could have imagined. My baby nephew, Shane, had suddenly become very ill. My sister and brother-in-law took him to Texas City Children’s Hospital thinking he had a cold or the flu. Several tests were run that resulted in devastating ... Read the Post
Clark’s Prayer
When our mother died, my five brothers and I started an ongoing dialogue reflecting on the loss of our last surviving parent. While the rest of us stumbled along in our attempts to comfort each other amidst our own grief, my brother Clark would simply say, “Let’s pray.” I recall one prayer he led with me that went like this: “Dear God. Help Pat in Heaven. Amen.” You have to know my brother to understand the significance of this simple prayer. Clark took care of my mother as she deteriorated over time from her diabetes. He lived with her until she was placed in a nursing home after her ... Read the Post